Thursday, February 4, 2016


Audible                      2/4/2016

I get up
And ride the express
Endlessly droning on
Into another gray morning. 

Others sit in heaps
And mumble in code
Indecipherable strangers
To me and to them.

What others feared 
Has already happened
As we sleep in cocoons
Alien to each other. 

Long ago isolated
And long ago diluted
Our hopes, dreams, and aspirations
Discounted, and forgotten. 

The weight of numbers
Grows heavier and heavier
Ignorant, violent
Easily bought,
And sold.   

Drowning out
All individualism
And tipping the scales 
Once and forever.    

All who oppose are surely attacked
Their voices silenced
And reputations trashed
No tool left unused
Or dirty trick untried. 

Phony, fake,
Forced and planned
Food for fodder
To poison hearts
With lies. 

Yes, my friends 
There is war
A war without a name
Its victims buried,
Voiceless, and nameless. 

Happening today 
And happening tomorrow
Even if you did not hear
And even if,
You dared not speak.

Targeted, tracked
Assaulted and shot
Bleeding out
For nothing at all. 

Heroes are in movies
And heroes are in books
But here evil reigns
And everywhere. 

The good are afraid
And the powerful compromised
Protected by money 
And above reproach. 

Heaven help the man
Who blows the trumpet
Sounding the alarm
About the obvious truth. 

And God save 
All who hearken
Knowing what it means
And what it warns.  

Calling the remnant
Who never knew their name
Lost and wandering
For time and times again.   

A call to search 
And watch for clues
Hidden in the recesses
That only a spider can find. 

All else is compromised
And all else is fixed
Long ago beholden
Tongue tied and dead.

Burning through the curtain
To see what is behind
Who it is that pulls the levers
And lying from the start

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