Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Denmark is Calling

Denmark                            2/16/2016

Drip drop
A little dab will do ya,
Another day down
Closer than ever.

A strange cocktail
In a strange land
The kind you never feel
Until it hits you
From behind. 

Some people
Will do anything
Soulless, murderous
Deceitful and vain.

Watch them closely
As they slip in and out
Smiling as they stick you
Bleeding on the ground. 

Planned from afar
And dripping with acid
The baited breath of hatred
Stirred into a frenzy.

Evil reigns unopposed
And sits smugly upon a throne
Far away from the consequences
They themselves have wrought.

Ever richer and more powerful
The loot is divided
Behind closed doors
Crushing us all with a debt
We can never repay. 

Words can be empty
But words can tell you everything
In the most innocuous of ways
A fiction full of truth. 

The line is held
By a razors edge
But once the margin is broken
The massacre can begin.

There is nothing more dangerous
Than evil when threatened
Hell bent to cause
As much death as possible. 

The fish is cooked
But it still smells rotten
Unmistakable the stench
We all should remember.

What is one
Can also be many
Sure as a dagger
Pointed at our heart.  

Ghosts are everywhere
Whispering in our ears
Pointing out the truth
That many shall ignore.

He who waits
Faces every agony
To fearful to act
Until it’s too late. 

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