Thursday, February 11, 2016

Ant Farm

Ant Farm              2/11/2016

Who has eaten
The suicide sandwich
And lived to tell the tale?
Known or unknown
Swallowed alive.

The world beats you down
And institutions
Can crush your spirit
For everyone a diagnosis
And for everyone a pill. 

Piling on and preaching down
We all know
Who we can kill
An easy a prey as any
Convenient and dead. 

They don’t believe in God
Because replacing God
Is what they desire
Above everything
And everyone. 

Controlling who is above
And who is below
Trapped in an ant farm
For experimentation
And amusement. 

The ants are you and me
Useless consumers
Of air, food, and water
Ground down into dog food
And then turned under.

Fertilizer for a utopia
Heartless and empty
A sterile petri dish
Limited and dead.

It’s not the first time
Because it’s all been done before
But it always ends the same
Buried under bodies
Piled to the sky. 

On the backs of the foolish
Swayed by jealousy and blame
Sure to deliver power
And money.  
Paid off and bought
Over nothing at all
Equally miserable
Hopeless and dumb.

Behold the time is nigh
When desperate men
Take desperate measures
Anything to kill
And anything to win. 

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