Thursday, February 25, 2016

Black Birds

Black Bird                      2/25/2016

Blackbirds search  
In a gray winter sky
Crying out secrets
I will never know. 

The coyotes are dead
So the ravens must eat
Sitting on the wires
Circling my head.

What worked before
Does not work now
And what pleasures
Have I known
That have all passed me by.

I huddle in my sleep
And draw up my legs
Colder than the evening
The dark before the dawn. 

Whispering ghosts
Tickling my ear
Food for the birds
Left in a ditch. 

Unspeakable is the loss
That no one understands
So we hold it captive
In our heart

It becomes a strange comfort
That we nurse
Drawing out the blood
To watch it bleed. 

The birds know me
And I know them
Both afraid
But both alive. 

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