Wednesday, February 17, 2016


 Torchère                                                       2/17/2016

There always comes a time
To pick up the chips
And walk away
Separating yourself
Just to stop the bleeding. 

Cashing in
And checking out
Even if it hurts
And even if you suffer.

Breaking the loop
That has strangled many
Choking them off
Before they even know.

It’s been a long time coming
But the truth will win
Bigger than all of us
No matter what we wish
Or how we feel.

There was a time
When I had all I wanted
Overly indulged
And wasted away.

I did not grow
Because I did not have to
So instead I devolved
Empty, foolish, and dumb.

But when I lost
And had to struggle
I learned contentment
And thankfulness. 

Crawling upwards
One inch at a time
Striving to survive
And dependent on God.

Experiencing everything
Like I never had before
Learning all over again
In new and ever expanding ways.

There is nothing more precious
Than wisdom and perspective
And there is nothing more important
Than truth.

Far more valuable
Than approval
A treasure that cannot be lost
Cracked, peeled, or broken. 

Wait no longer
For others to decide
But rather live boldly
Out front
And alive.    

Unafraid of criticism
And no longer in need
Of approval
A torch for others
In the blackest of days. 

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