Monday, February 22, 2016

Sunday Evening

just a quick one today.  

 Sunday Evening                              2/22/2016

At Blackfields there was a party
And we lit every torch
Burning bright
In everyone’s eye.

We opened up the iron doors
And let the music spill out
Reverberating into the trees
On a cold, clear, evening. 

We opened the bar
To shouts of joy
And I smiled when I watched them
All dance with joy.

Liquor was spilled
And glasses were broken
But all we could do was laugh
Taking what we could
In an otherwise black day.

As I watched swaying to the music
I remembered the words of the dead
Life is for living
And that is what
We should do. 

Unafraid, and unashamed
Unapologetic and free
Living and laughing
At all that is absurd
And beautiful.

All our water
Become wine
And all our heartbreak
Become joy.

Enjoy today
In prayer
That all you love
Are protected.

For joy like freedom
Should be defended
For with joyless control
Can come only slavery
And death without end.

Let them hate
While we love
Playing out their hand
Empty, defeated, and dead. 

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