Thursday, February 25, 2016

Half a Loaf

 Half life                             2/25/2016

For half a life
We all swallowed the bait
Believing in a world of ideas
That were never true at all. 

We listened to speakers
Who made their best case
Appealing to our sensibilities
On how to chart a course.

But in the end
It was all pretend
A parliamentary trick
To divide up the loot
Providing a comfortable life
No matter who should win.

Trading spaces
And trading places
Just to keep us going
A fake fight
To please the masses
Dumb in the dark. 

All bought with gravy
Filling every plate
Laughing at the people
No better than tools. 

They ask for money
And they track our every thoughts
Betting on ignorance
And greed. 

Buying off the foolish
With almost nothing at all
And kicking the can
Down the street
For all of us to pay.  

If you are awake
They you are the enemy
A person to be ignored,
Or ridiculed. 

Marginalized and diluted
Until we all pass away
The fruits of a middle class
Attacked and condemned. 

Funny how it works out
Just like it was written
As the bar is lowered
And all the beasts rush in. 

Set up for the slaughter
Reduced expectations are the norm
As the young and most vulnerable
Never see the light of day. 

Because if you cannot remember
You cannot know
The difference between
The truth and a lie. 

Those with much to lose
Will fight tooth and nail
Anything to win
And get what they want. 

We who remain
Must only wait and watch
Watching for every sign
That most assuredly will come
Drenched in blood. 

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