Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Ratchet                                2/3/2016

It breaks your heart
To see it and understand                  
That you were sold out
For almost nothing. 
And I was sold for even less.

Worthless as a ledger
That disappears in an hour
The useless silver
And empty souls.

We who live with the consequences
That others decide for us
No matter who it hurts
Or who it kills.

A bump in the road
And water under the bridge
Something to be forgotten
Like it never happened at all.

Words are not enough
But here I am anyway
Sitting at my keyboard

I opened my eyes
Even though it hurt
As the world I believed in
All melted away. 

It was all a lie
And now the secrets are buried
As all that we thought happened
Was not like that at all.

Everyone makes mistakes
Even the good
And even the great
But they have propped up evil
And savaged the good.

Hiding the details
And feeding us lies
Manipulating our opinions
To fit their designs.  

It was bound to fail
But that was the idea all along
Because this ship
Was built to sink
With us in it.

Fighting to lose
And leaving the innocent behind
All for nothing
Scripted and horrific. 

Debating and pontificating
But it was all just a show
To keep us all believing
That there was a choice at all. 

Now we know
And now we understand
Mere passengers on a train
Derailing off a cliff
Abandoned and dead. 


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