Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The longest walk

Hurt Park                              2/24/2016

It will never be easy
Because the memory
Is just too heavy to lift
Crushing me down 
As I struggle to forget.

I slept with her sweater
Until the scent was gone
And I walked through
The same old streets
Over and over again. 

Stuck in an endless loop
And unable to escape
The unknowable cost
Of self-loathing
And regret. 

It is easier to forgive
Than it is to survive
Because words once spoken
Can never
Truly be swallowed. 

We do what we do
Even though
We know
Unable to stop
Resentment and emotion.

Others don’t know
And they remain
As we remember
Stuck in one dimensional pictures
And long lost feelings. 

The agony is all ours
And God only knows the truth
About why it all has to be
And what it is
We should learn. 

It hurt
And it made me angry
But still I wonder
And still I wait.

People do things
Inexplicable and strange
For all the worst reasons
Spoken and unspoken. 

The truth floats above my head
While I jump up and down
Slippery and elusive
Peaceful and perfect.

It has to be enough
That we just don’t know
But still we keep on trying
Even for nothing at all. 

All there is
Is faith
And prayer
Even if unanswered
And silent.

Whatever may come
We are together
All of us who try
And are forgiven.

But whatever the truth
Evil will yet slip
In due time
Falling backwards
Into nothingness. 

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