Thursday, February 18, 2016

Over the Shoulder

Over the shoulder         2/18/2016

Carefully packaged
Over time
The delusions of generations
Cobbled together
With lies. 

A clever way
To put us to sleep
Nothing but a fairy tale
Hidden in a lullaby.

From the top of a mountain
The world is a beautiful place
A majestic vista
Inaccessible and remote.

But, I fell from the summit
Into the darkness below
A very long way to fall
Painful and slow.

Pushed from behind
With a knife in my back 
At first nothing but a twinge 
Straight through the heart. 

An inconvenient man 
Who stood in the way 
As I tried to hold together 
What God had given. 

Others have also lived
And others have also suffered
Their memory swept away
In great migrations
And upheaval. 

Caught up in events
And carried out with the tide
Forgotten but to God
The deleterious of the day.

The further we drift
The more deceived we become
Until even the truth
Becomes shocking
And criminal.

Stripped of our identity
And assaulted at will
Reduced, diminished,
Threatened and blamed.

But the bloody truth remains
And looms over the horizon
Hidden from the sun
For just a minute more.

Money and power
Hang on the balance
And heaven knows
How many are threatened
And owned.    

Now they pile on
And double down their bets
Murderous, shallow
Hateful, and proud. 

They will not win
And already have lost
Existing only to murder
And steal. 

Watch, lest you be taken
And guard your heart
Lest you be deceived
Always faithful
And always ready. 

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