Thursday, October 1, 2015


Fear                            10/1/2015

We fear many things
But what if the worst really happened?
And everything we loved
Or ever hoped for
Was lost or taken away.

What if we saw the end
Hopeless and alone
Crying out to no avail
Without food or water.

What if we lost everything
But yet somehow survived
Living and breathing
Haunted by memories
And surrounded by emptiness.

Doubled over in grief
In a long dark night of the soul
One that goes on for years
With no end in sight.

What if we lost our family
And what if we lost our friends
Much less the good opinion
Of mediocre men. 

If we lost our reputation
Would our friends even stick around?
As our enemies circled
Sharpening their knives.

Holding on by a thread
Or sometimes nothing at all
Miraculously saved again and again
By the tiniest of margins.

I too felt the pain
And I also remember
Losing almost everything
And almost everyone.

But if we survive
We learn
That even the longest nights
Break before the dawn. 

We grow and in time
We understand
That what we had was nothing
And what we gained
Was everything. 

Now we know
That money isn’t everything
And now we know
We can survive.

But how could we ever
Want to live
While knowing
What we could have said,
And what we could have done. 

To love
Is to be hated
And to pursue truth
Is to know reality. 

Let them hate
And let them punish
Too afraid to live
And to afraid to know.

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