Friday, October 23, 2015

Tea Leaves

Tea Leaves                                                         10/23/2015

Stare into the yawning jaws
And tell me what you see
That is if you can see
And that is
If you are ready.

The few control the many
And who can ever question
What he cannot resist?
Crushed underfoot
Like nothing at all. 

As plain as it can be
The eternal truth
That small are the men
Who seek unlimited control. 

By any means
They have tried
Though enslavement
And confiscation
Eliminating all opposition
By decree. 

We look the other way
And hold our nose
Foolish to the end
And docile as lambs.

Fighting over nothing
With a knife in our back
Bleeding out
And falling down. 

Curse the day
That we slept
Smug, deluded,
Blind, and dead.

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