Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Deep Drop

Deep Drop         10/28/2015

In the dead of night
Unread and undisclosed
Secret deals discussed and signed
Traded away for nothing
Just like we always knew.

The sun is blotted out
And all the words
Can disappear
But even then
We know the truth.

Open the cages
And release the beasts
Because none of it is random
No matter what they say. 

Follow the line
And follow the leader
A pied piper of death
Up and over
Dead and down. 

In darkness
Evil awaits
Suddenly attacking
The vulnerable
And unaware.

Just as predators
Follow the herd
Patiently waiting
For the solitary straggler
To savage and devour.

We can lie
And we can believe
But in the end
This is real
And deadly.

The long dark night
Has already began
The truth obscured in the shadows
Like it never happened at all. 

But horror
Even if unacknowledged
Has surely occurred
Premeditated and executed
One here
And one there.

The candles flicker
And electricity fails
Setting us up
The same as yesterday. 

And shameless
Watch them wait
And watch them laugh.

Flooding our house
And flooding our street
Soaking us up
And rotting us out. 

Shine through
And do not give in
Because fear is nothing
And truth is priceless. 

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