Friday, September 25, 2015


Antimatter    9/25/2015

The ghosts are whispering
On the dark side of the moon
Spilling secrets long forgotten
And never understood.

They alone
Know and understand
What it feels like to lose
And what it feels like
To fly. 

Neither above nor below
But apart
They mingle in my dreams
Forever beautiful
And eternal. 

There is so much more
Than what we see
And no one is ever alone
Outside the glass.

I have cut myself enough,
To know how it feels
And I have bled numberless words
Into the great wide open.

Crawling through the white space
And going where I cannot
Messages and feelings
Angst and love. 

In the space above
There is a cold black silence
And unsearchable.

And free.

We sleep for now
And in our sleep we dream
Flying into and out of,
Everything hidden
And dark. 

The known is nothing
But the unknown is everything
Invisible and everlasting
True, just, and eternal. 

The kingdom comes
Just past midnight
When the last fools sleeps
And the last ghost awakes.


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