Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Drifting                            10/6/2015

Unhinged and off balance
Tilted sideways
And veering off track
The world has lost its moorings
And cannot go back. 

Inside out, and upside down
We call darkness light
And light we call darkness
Willfully blind
Dumb and deaf. 

Foolish, and cowardly
We turn tail and run
All nodding our heads in unison
To the most obvious of lies. 

Secret deals and secret meetings
Hidden motives and hidden truth
Thinly disguised is the hatred
Boring through our skulls.    

Flooded with detritus
And stabbed in the back
Bludgeoned by a reality
Unacknowledged and buried.

But who can hide
And who can run
With everything at stake
And everything in ruins. 

Sometimes I wonder how
How the foolish can continue
Looking at their children
After they have sold us out
For nothing at all. 

But they are the deluded
The purchased, and the cowed
Fools fighting with shadows
And pretending to care. 

They have slept with monsters
And they have laid down with beasts
Betraying every oath
And every loyalty. 

Rolling over without opposition
And shouted into silence
Unable to declare the truth
For everyone to hear. 

They shall stumble
And regret their cowardice
Betrayed by betrayers
Just like you knew they would. 

Saying nothing
And conveying everything
All about who is favored
And who is hated.  

I am the hated
But, I bear it with pride
And stronger every day. 

Feed on it
And pray it through
Standing fast
And watching everything. 

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