Tuesday, October 27, 2015


The Vortex

It is a circular pathology
Of self-loathing
The strange and suicidal tendency
Of the pseudo elite.

Foolish and vain
They think,
It’s all about them
Hating you
And hating me.

Stripping us, of our identity
And erasing all our past
Setting us up to fail
Just like they want. 

They sell out their neighbor
And pick at the same old scabs
Keeping the wound angry
So we can never heal. 

But even a desperate lie
Is still a lie
No matter how huge
Or how believable.

The great deception
Leads to death
And you can smell the truth
Hanging in the air. 

In the eye of the hurricane
There is peace
And there is calm
But furious is the wall
Coming our way. 

The fix is always in
And provocation to them
Is just a game
As they manipulate people,
Emotions, and facts. 

Numbers are changed
And no one says a word
Anything to keep the lie going
Flying in the face
Of all reason, and truth.

If you sleep with a snake
You will get bitten
And if you lie down with dogs
You will get fleas.

Returning again and again
To the same old bed
Surrendering an inch at a time
Until there is nothing left. 

Behold they are counting their silver
Behind closed doors
Writing rules
That no one can see.   

But you and I
Can clearly see
What it means for the future
Both for you
And for me. 

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