Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Precipice                                      10/27/2015 

The cliff comes
A deep and yawning void
Calling us down
Headlong and dumb.

We have come far
But we have long since forgotten
Who it is we are
And from where
We came. 

No man is perfect
So we might as well laugh
At the incredible stupidity of man
Stubborn, fragile, and vain. 

We played in the sun
And the chlorine stung our eyes
But the warms days are over
And winter is coming.

The leaves have turned
And fall wet upon the ground
We found a red one
And also a gold. 

Nothing was ever free
And neither is this
A ripened world
Groaning under time. 

Grinding us down
Slowly and inexorably
Thinning the herd
One death at a time.

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