Monday, October 26, 2015

Two Minutes

Two Minutes                                     10/26/2015

I am the target
And I can feel it every day
Stuck on me like a parasite
Sucking me dry. 

I am like a husk
Empty and blank
Wrapped up
And hollowed out.

In the darkness
The stars have died
Fewer and fewer
Than a long time ago. 

I did not know then
How all of it would burn
The whole world I loved
And everything I knew.

The ashes blow away
And leave nothing but gray
Living in an alien world
Full of lies. 

All that is spoken
Does not mean a thing
Because facts don’t matter
Not here
And not now.

Void of joy
And void of peace
I sit looking at the door
My hands free
And ready.

Gone are the days
Of free range abandon
And mute are the good
Hamstrung and threatened.

Close the gate
But look the other way
Bearing down
Above and behind. 

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