Friday, October 30, 2015


Birdseye                                                                        10/30/2015

Fill the ditch
And light it up
Without care or regret
Fearless and free.

Spinning our wheels
For no reason at all
A time and times again
Before we see
Or know.

I can’t see the waves
But yet, they are everywhere
Collapsed like information
On the head of a pin.

Zero is the distance
Between them and me
And zero is the hour
Ahead, and behind. 

Prisoners of our own bodies
Our hands are made of clay
Grasping, but never catching
Lightning in a bottle. 

Water runs deep
And falls gently on my head
Cooling my fevered thoughts
Of anguish and loss.

Somewhere out there
Is everything, we were
Still innocent, perfect, 
jubilant, and kind. 

All of this is nothing
But all we had
Was everything
Captured forever
Changeless and gold.

Smaller than we can detect
Yet larger than our dreams
The limitless possibilities
Of the human spirit
Awakened at last.

Flying free, above our heads
Blazing through the sky
At one single instant
And everywhere.

Nothing will be beyond our grasp
Unbound and unchained
No longer in fear  
Or want. 

Loved and beloved
Giving and sharing
Burning in the heart of God
Brilliant, Beautiful, and free. 

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