Friday, September 26, 2014

One fall afternoon

Blue Crinkle 9/26/2014

Crinkled blue foil
Streaming through the air
On a cool gray afternoon
Racing down the road. 

Snowflakes blowing sideways
Through the halo of a streetlight
Through my father’s office window
Thirty years ago. 

The bottom dropping out beneath us
As my car drives off an embankment
Falling in slow motion
On a hot Georgia night.

Disjointed thoughts flash in my brain
For purposes unknown
And unexamined
But is it better to write it down
Or better to forget? 

Time collapses to a pin point
And that is all it is
As I sleep in my skin
And walk in my dreams. 

The world teeters and wobbles
Into madness
And yet everything falls into place
In a mysterious synchronicity
All known in advance.

They can call it what they will
And they can ignore it if they want
But what is true is still true
And what is wrong
Is still wrong. 

Dream for me
That everything is connected
And that all these limitations
Will all disappear.

We will make the world over
In perfect colors
That no one has seen
And feast with each other
With nothing to lose
And everything to gain. 

Afterwards we laugh
Because we should have known, all along
But what is real
Will still be beautiful
Just as when
We first believed.

Sleep Walker

Sleep Stalker 9/26/2014

Water before sun
And earth before man
Another day around
Before we meet again. 

The ice berg
Pokes out the water
And we walk as men
But there is much more to see
Below the waterline. 

We are more
Than what we appear to be
And all we see
Is just a glimpse
Of all we will be. 

In my dreams
I almost, make it back
And almost make it up
As I travel backwards,
And forwards
Through space and time.

There is so much unfinished
And there is so much unreconciled
Yet life goes on 
In love and loss. 

I try to forget
But yet, I still remember
And no matter where I go
In my sleep, I return. 

I see people
That I used to know
And it is, as if
They are really there.

But then I wake up
And I come back
Across a distance
Insurmountable and frozen.

The gulf
Is deep and treacherous
But how many times
Did I
Not even try? 

What was true then
Is true now
And what was a lie
Will always be wrong.

The fire is started
And it cannot be put out
No matter what is said or done
The truth remains
Brighter than the sun. 

The door inside
Has been opened
And it cannot be shut
So I can only leave it open
To burn through. 

I hope these words
Find their home
And I hope that
All the others
Are happy and well.

May love shrink the distance
Between you and yours
And so also with me
Returning us all
As we were always
Meant to be. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Diamond Eyes

Diamond Eyes 9/25/2014

It is sad
But also predictable
That you can see what will happen
From a million miles away.

As old as man
And as old as sin
That we often destroy
What is good
And pure.

Are we prepared
To stare at the end?
At the dead eyes of murder
And unfathomable hatred. 

It spasms everywhere
In an orgy of blood
Lurking in doorways
And watching your every move. 

It is in the office mate
Who covets beauty and money
And it is also in the murderer
Insecure and jealous.

I saw the pictures
And I see the end
Fake,  dumb, and predictable
Insincere and shallow.  

But isn’t that the world
Rotten on the inside
Like a corpse encrusted with diamonds
Suffocating the living  
With promises and lies. 

Hidden in plain sight
The deepest motives of man
Deeper than deep
And blacker than black.

Sometimes it hurts
But that is no surprise
As we have no choice
But to keep on going
Spinning sideways around the sun.

You might hear one thing
Or you might hear another
But words are only words
When they are designed to deceive.

Desperate people
Do desperate things
And they will say anything
To get what they want
Or keep what they have.

A wise man
Never lets down his guard
Careful not to become complacent
Anytime or anywhere.

This is the phony war
And this is age of deception
A peaceful eye of the storm
Before it strikes again. 

But he who
Plants his feet upon the rock
Will not be moved
Immortal and determined. 

Set your eyes
Dead level
And remember this  truth
That he who does what is right
Will never die.  

Vindication will come
Like a tsunami
And nothing shall stand before it
Except what is true. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Charnel House

The Charnel House 9/24/2014

If you can’t see an elephant
Then you are blind and dumb
But deep down each can see the truth
Unless they don’t have a soul.

We can talk all day
But it doesn’t mean a thing
If we are unwilling to speak the truth
And change what is wrong. 

Heads roll
And the fires burn
But you have to look inside
To see from where it comes. 

I have drawn the lines backwards
And all them find their mark
As one thing leads to another
Each worse than than the next. 

Some men lie for money
And some kill for fun
But deep down,
Some make monsters
To do it all for free.

One hand or the other
Each work in circles
Each leading the other
Off the same old cliff. 

One may be faster
But the destination is the same
As run over each other
On our way to the end. 

They say, that there is no evil
But I have seen it face to face
And there is no evil, without good
A choice and a God. 

The world is a charnel house
And the meat grinder churns
As we make our way through fences
On our way to the fire.

Come quickly
And save the sheep
Wandered far
And bleating.  

Gather us 
And save us from evil
Once lost 
But forever loved.  

Walking the Trench

Walking the Trench 9/24/2014

I dreamed of a harvest 
That never came to be
And was blindsided by a future
I could have never predicted.

When everything was lost
I thought that I would die
As the rug was pulled out
And all the lights turned off. 

Words cannot describe
What it felt like
As I stared into the black
Hopeless and alone. 

I had been leaning on others 
With all of my weight
As I stood on their shoulders
For every worry and decision.  

I was loved by many
But I failed to act in return
Day dreaming my way
Through numberless afternoons. 

When it hit
I had nowhere to stand
So I felt myself falling
For what it seemed,
Like forever. 

But it’s always easier to fall
Than it is to rise
As I learned to walk
All over again.  

Taking one step
And then losing two
As set back after set back
Filled my legs with lead.

We learn and we know
But still we react
And tilt at windmills
Just as dumb as we were
Foolish and ashamed. 

Time has passed
And I will never,
Know it all
As I have worn a ditch
Walking around this mountain. 

But thank God we know
And thank God I have learned
To be happy in the present
No matter what,
It may bring.  

We strive towards the goal
In want 
And in plenty 
To remain the same
Faithful and strong.  

Now we stand together
Hand in hand
And heart within heart
Learning and leaning
On the grace of God.