Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wooden Dragon

Singularity 1/22/2014

You can pay now
Or you can pay later
But sometimes it doesn’t matter
What you do
Or where you go. 

In the end
There is no way out
Not without pain
Or suicide. 

A day late
And a dollar short
We stand in line
To be punished
And mocked.

Why is it
That we labor this way?
But all for someone else
Predatory and cruel. 

That is you
And that is me
Shedding our skin
And slithering away.

Judged and ranked
Ruined and ashamed
Reduced to the trash heap
To crawl on our belly.

Going like lambs
We sheepishly shuffle
Our way to the end
Herded, willing,
Gullible, and dumb.

We hold on to fairy tales
Long past the expiration date
But what good is a sound philosophy
If we are blind to reality. 

Murderous deceitful reality
Staring at me
Every time I leave
And every place I go. 

We can deny reality
As long as we like
But those who do
Are doomed
In their dreams. 

Run away dreams
And seek not to remember
All that we were
And all that we lost. 

I loved you all
And then I lost
But now that I know
Everything is new.  

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