Monday, January 27, 2014


 Loser 1/27/2014

Dangle the carrot
In front of my face
Leading me along
On my way to the end.

My past determines
The way in which I move
Always in the same direction
Round and round again.

Seven years ago, today 
That was then
And this is now
But still it hurts 
And I moan in the dark.

It’s hard to let go
Of the dreams
You only tasted
Because we only got a glimpse
Of all that, might have been. 

The possibilities gnaw at our heart
And memories destroy our brain
Burning pathways of heartache
That can never be erased.

I have come a long distance
But all of it
Is for nothing 
As I keep falling backwards
Back from where I came.

What we have, we ignore
And what is easy, we abuse
But what we miss,
Is what we covet
And what we love
We lose.

The struggle wears you out
And the weight wears you down
As we bear all the burdens
And watch it all 
Pass us by. 

I didn’t know
But, I did really try
Waking up far too late
To save what I had.

It is still a mystery
The cruelty of man
And how we are soo far fallen
That we can’t even see the sun.

Nothing lasts forever
Not even this
For all that is fake
And artificial
Will always fall apart
And blow away.

You can’t manufacture cool
And you can’t force authenticity
The same as it always was
Higher and better.

The curses shall come
But the strong will survive
A perfect remnant
Beautiful and defiant.

They will never know
True love
Because all they know
Is the world
Devalued down to an single cell
And dividing all over. 

Let them have their world
And run it 
Into the ground
While we endure
All the way home.

Some will join us
And some will not
Because love always returns
What it never lost at all.  

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