Friday, January 10, 2014

Rot in Pieces

Rotten Fish   1/10/2014

Every life is different
And my own is a mystery
Because I cannot explain it
And I don’t know why.

I am both blessed and cursed
And I have struggled against myself
Barely able to hold my own
While others have surged ahead.

But the mystery remains
Because of how I see it
Because I do not know which 
Is the better or the worse. 

If I never suffered
How could I, have learned?
About what can really happen
When you fall through the cracks.

Things can happen
And every day
Judgments are made
About what we are
And what we are worth.

We all make mistakes
But some are never acknowledged
And while some slip through unpunished
Others are attacked and ridiculed. 

If it’s happened to you
Then you know how it feels
And these are things
That stick with you
Whether you forgive them or not.

Even the smallest things
Can make the biggest impact
But seldom do we stop and think
About what we say and do.

I really wish I had the answer
And I really pray to understand
About where I go from here
And what I should say.

Evil exists
And it rots, all that it touches
Because with every minute
Comes a choice
And a challenge.

Someone has to pay
And in the end, they always do,
But it isn’t always the guilty
And it isn’t always fair.

We are all floating down a river
Riding on a swift current
Finding the obstacles of least resistance
And eroding them away.

Wearing down the unprotected
And the innocent
Because they do not fight
And are not politically connected.

Poorly written
And badly done
The foolish and the stupid
Held up as heroes
Through the looking glass.

Crush the snake underfoot
And cut it up in pieces
Burned to ashes
And underground.

Listen good
And listen carefully
The unrepentant rebel speaks
Happy to live
And unafraid to die. 


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