Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Hub

The Hub 1/14/2014

I have crossed over
And now I stare backwards
At myself as a shadow
Still struggling along
And dragging my bones behind me.

The dead do not care
Because they are free
Soaring above
Or diving below.

I have shed my skin
But I can never get away
So it comes along with me
Like an empty shell.  

I am vacant
And I am adrift
Still going through the motions
Like nothing has changed.

I sit at a desk
And I answer the phone
Pretending that it matters
And pretending that I care.

But I have long since left
As I have long since known
That all of this
Is a waste
And worth nothing at all.

The reports and the details
Are nothing but an exercise
A hoop and a hurdle
In a dog and pony show.

Made up to measure
And made to justify
The problems we have created
Just worthless propaganda 
And tired old lies.

Do not be surprised
When it all falls apart
Because that is what
We have always done
Over and over again. 

Sometimes I wonder 
If I am the only one
Dead enough to be free
But alive enough
To try.  
Lean closer
And whisper in my ear
Tell me that you love me
And everything's okay.

I have come so far
But it will never be enough
Because debts and punishment 
Follow you everywhere.  

Explanations are useless
And arguing is a labor 
Because all of it is wasted 
On the unknowing 
And the blind.

Others churn away
And claw at each other
Selling their souls over nothing,
But a few dollars more.  

Pinning their hopes 
And all their aspirations 
On the promise of a promotion 
And a lapel pin.  

Never knowing 
Or even understanding 
That all of it is empty 
And all of it is dumb.

Without sincerity 
All effort is fake
And without true love
All is posture and pride.

The world is haunted
Because it is dead
An empty vacuum 
And a promise

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