Monday, January 6, 2014


Marginal  1/6/2014

We have built our temples
And now men think
That they are Gods
Deciding who will live
And who will die.

Surrounded with others
Who all think the same
Plotting theft, destruction
Betrayal and murder.

Never grateful
And never kind
Always mocking
And always rude.

Spewing lies
With hate in their hearts
And holding the good
With contempt and disdain.

Untouchable and protected
They love to dictate
And control
Without consent or consequence
Arrogant and vain. 

Oh how far
Have the good fallen
And cry for the lost
Who remain, as good as murdered
Unprotected and dead.

Exposed, cornered
Outnumbered and frozen
Who is it
That they want dead?

If you can kill the young
You can kill the old
And if crazy is normal
Than normal is crazy. 

Everything and everyone
Not a thing is missed
Or forgotten
But that is where we are
Intimidated, threatened,
Dependent, dead, and dumb.

No man can survive
If he turns his back on nature
And no civilization can endure
Mass suicide. 

We can doubt all day
And we can run if we like
But the future is bleak 
If the good give up.

Welcome to the dark
Where the cold hurts your bones
And the wind blows right through you
Freezing all your blood.  

The truth is here 
And this is how it works
When the good are mute
And the strong are dumb.

The blood moon comes 
And the stars align 
Blotting out the sun 
Forgotten and unaware.  

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