Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Sojourners   1/15/2014

Today I shall kill myself again
Just like I have
Ten thousand times before
Killing him whenever he stands up
And gets in my way.

We are lost in a maze of mirrors
And we can never find a way out
Because we can’t remember
How we got in.

Perhaps we choose
Or perhaps we don’t
But either way
I think
And I am.

No two situations are the same
And yet today plays out
Just like it always has
And just like it always will.

We are the archetypes
And this is our life
A soul inside a brain
And a brain inside a body.

The spirit comes
Like a burning flame of fire
Transduced by the synapses
Like memory through a crystal. 

We can sense the fear
And we can sense the problems
Because deep within we remember
And deep within we know.

A mutual destiny
Holds us together
As we experience the world
In the here and now.

This is only what we make it
And nothing lasts forever
As good as we decide
Weigh and measure.

There is nothing to fear
But doubt and desperation
Because even now we have forever
To love and to reason. 

Let us think on that
And speak again
In ten thousand years
Long after we know
And truly see each other.

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