Friday, January 31, 2014


Lovers 1/31/2014

No man can define love
And no man
Can truly tell you
What it means
To really understand.

Life goes by in a blur
In fast moving images
That we only half remember
And never appreciate.

I look out the window
And imagine my heart
At the bottom of a frozen pond
Cold, dormant, and slowly beating
Just enough to keep me alive.

Nothing lasts forever
But the road to redemption
Can take a very long time
As we shuffle our feet
One in front of the other.

Going through the motions
Of getting up
And going to bed
Forcing yourself through
When you are too tired to care.

There is no use
In getting angry
When there is always something
You can do
In the here and now.

Prepare yourself
And plan for the end
Because it will always come
Like a thief in the night.

We get ready for many things
But seldom remember what matters
Because none of this lasts
And we can’t take it with us. 

We can spin our wheels
Or we can love with all our heart
Waging war
With our prayers, thoughts,
And words.

It’s never too late
Until it’s over
And nothing is over
Until the end.

The world like gravity
Drags us down
As we struggle against entropy
To breathe and live.

But today we rise
And today we live
With more than enough time
To embrace the truth. 

Free yourself
From all that is false
And fling yourself
Above and beyond. 

Grasp for the eternal
Never closer than now
Even if you cannot see it
And even if
It hurts.

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