Thursday, January 16, 2014

Club Zero

Club Zero  1/16/2014

Everyone we meet 
Is not the same
And no man is more guilty
Than he who lies, and kills
Regardless of hardship
Or comfort.

Now the world is dormant,
Frozen, and gray
But soon, new growth will emerge
And hang heavy
On the tree. 

We have grown accustomed to the changes
Than knock us around
And now we are numb
To the mounting atrocities
And diminished dreams. 

If we were the first
Then maybe it was ignorance
But what can you make of man
Who has done this all before?

The easy road is folly
It always was
And it is now
Begging us downwards
In the back of our minds. 

The first little steps are painless
But that has never been enough
Has evil pleads with us
Down the slippery road to hell. 

It is no surprise
But it is the same old feeling
That gnawing knowledge
That you are the hated
Just because you are.

Here I sojourn 
And here I remain
Without money or privilege 
But only conscience and faith.
But I am also, the forgotten
Held back
And passed over
Again, again, and again. 

But if someone should speak
And if someone should question
What will happen?
And what will it achieve?
Nothing but more hatred 
And more ridicule.

I know who I am
And I know what I have done
As I have suffered through
Every mistake
And thoughtless omission.

But, if we don’t needs man’s forgiveness
Than why should we seek his approval?
Nothing but a pointless pursuit
Disappointing and dumb. 

The world has no power
And even death is an allusion
Hiding as it does
In the dimension of shadows.

Let it all fall apart
And dissolve in a fire
Gone forever
Wasted and dumb. 

The spirit remains
Unstoppable and pure
Burning forever
Inside of my heart.

It is time to know
Who it is 
We truly are
And the season is coming
For all to be found. 

I am not giving in
And I am not giving up
Though I may be wounded
And surrounded by death. 

Rise up
And see the truth
Now more than ever
Cold, eternal, and clear. 

Lay hold of the crown
The kind not made by man
Higher, stronger, and more noble
The gift of life
Forever and complete.


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