Friday, January 3, 2014

Stare Down

Stare Down 1/3/2014

Bits and pieces
Shatter everywhere 
Once we open our eyes
And see the truth.

Something has changed
Inside and out
For a reason I cannot explain
A light turns on
Inside of your head.

We still get tired
And we still get disappointed
But no longer do we gasp for air
In the middle of the night.

Circumstances may not change
And the news, gets worse every day
But still we keep on going
Unshaken and unmoved.

I have what I need
And more than I ask
Even in the wilderness
I drink and laugh.

Others clamor
And claw at each other
Over the dwindling treasures of nothingness
Dangled over their heads.

They murder over nothing
And then blame someone else
Never growing or understanding
What it is, they missed.

I was only dreaming
With my eyes open
Reacting rather than thinking
Selfish and dumb. 

I was leaning on others
And dependent on man
Overly indulged,
Spoiled and dead.

So I cannot say
That all suffering is evil
Because if I had not lost
How would I ever know?

Others look at the end
And all they see is death
But I was the one
Who turned around
Looked up and said
“You’re free”.

This world cannot hold us
And this death
No longer has power
As we pass from one place to another
Gifted and cherished. 

Breathe in and breathe out
For all of this 
Will heal in time
After many have fallen
Or marched into the sea.

Let them fall
And let is rot
Going the way of all things
That were never worthy at all. 

You are protected
Even if you lose
And we are blessed
Even if we die. 

Keep on doing good
And stand up
For what is right 
No matter how it looks
Or how hopeless it seems.

Because all of this
And all of them 
Are withering away 
On either side of us
Dead and gone.  

Do not look back
Or try and save your work
For will build it all back again
Better than before.  

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