Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chill Temp

Chill temp  1/7/2014

A cold swirling vortex
Freezes my skeleton
Exposed under the flesh
Solid, dead, and numb.

The blackened fingers
Of dead trees
Stretch out empty
And crack in the wind.

The ground is white and gray
Crinkling under my feet
As I work my way backwards
Across the field.

The blackbirds sit in a row
On a line
Waiting for something
Or someone. 

The ghosts are here
And they laugh at me
Unafraid and flying
High above my reach. 

The frozen water
Expands and pops
Cracking like glass
In a crystal mosaic.

I am alone in my thoughts
As carefully pick my steps
An alien in a strange world
Uninhabited and dead.

The barking dog
Gets the bone
And now they all bark
And bite like beasts.

Even in the cold
The wolves are hungry
And even in the streets
They scavenge
And wait.

Soulless, pitiless,
Remorseless, and savage
Unable to survive
Without blood and death.

When you look around
You can see more than you think
As the howls escalate
And the massacre begins.

I am not afraid
Because I know what to do
For even the most ferocious animal
Can be beaten back 
If you fight hard. 

Be not disheartened
Though the day turn to night
And remain upright
Even when 
You are accused.

For the man who does not flinch
Need not fear
Neither persecution
Nor death. 

Others are tempted to run
And some are intentionally blinded
Because they were never meant to see
And can never know. 

Condemned long ago
They will persist in their evil
Even to the end
Snarling and snapping. 

Cold and cruel is the sky
But inside the fires burn
Warming the good
No matter what remains. 

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