Thursday, January 23, 2014


 Rampant  1/23/2014

Tip this over
And see what’s inside
Because something is rotten
And it’s killing us all.

Overripe and overdone
Primed and pumped
Like a bulging volcano 
About to explode.

This is what you get
When everyone falls asleep
Letting evil slip in
One inch at a time.

We bought all the lies
And we took them to heart
Because that is what we were taught
Every minute and every day.

When it hits you
It will be a shock
Because reality is coming
Heavy and hard.

We are sold
And we are betrayed
But deep down
We always knew.

The truth was revealed
A thousand times a day
But even then
Many covered their eyes
And pretended not to care.

Like bystanders on the street
Who watch as others are beaten
Nervously looking at each other
Hoping someone else
Will intervene. 

But the wild beasts
Will never be full
And they always thirst for more
Be it flesh
Or blood.

Many are sacrificed
And many have fallen
Caught off guard
And unprotected.

Even they knew 
That they were marked 
But still they went 
Noble, good, and dead.

I remember them 
And I remember her
Those who hesitated 
And those who lost.  

Cowards are everywhere 
And all the lions are sleeping
Defanged and declawed 
Overfed, lazy 
Dumb and dead.  

Socially engineered 
And spiritually defeated
As we carefully follow
An artificial cool. 

You can close your eyes
Or you can keep them open 
Open them up 
And see.  

This is for the survivors
And this is for me 
Because I am a ghost 
Wild, rampant, and free.  

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