Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Eye Chart

Eye Chart 1/8/2014

We shall survive this day
Even if we are not loved
And even if we are not remembered
As we march off to something
That no one knows for sure.

Let it all settle in
And remember
All that you have seen
Because it all points to something
Threatening and direct. 

Like a gun to your head
Or a knife to your throat
When you know 
You can't win for losing
And it will only get worse.

The line of thought is straight
And the answer
Is as obvious, as it can get
Screaming out for us to hear
But in the minds of the deluded
Everything will always, get turned around.

Sometimes you can hide
But in the end
It’s no solution
Because the determined will find you
In a matter of time.

It could be anybody 
And it could be any time
But a century is a minute 
And a century is done.

Genocide is coming
And it is already here
Slow and sure
Deliberate and planned.

If it doesn’t make you think
Then nothing much will help
Because the fools will remain deluded
Blind until the end.

The weeds will grow tall
And tower over the wheat
But the harvest will prove
Who is worthy
And who is not.

I remember what it felt like
To be left for dead 
By the cruel and heartless
Alone in the snow. 
By instinct 
We struggle to survive
But what is life
Without truth and freedom
And what is truth 
Without the liberty to explore
Express and create?

I remember you
And I remember her
Good enough to forgive
And big enough to understand.

We are all crushed by life
And we are all under the gun
Herded ever closer 
To a destination 
We don't want to see.

Love is elusive 
And it is better to lose it 
Than it is to live 
Without knowing 
How much it costs.  

Pray that they will see 
Even if they do not know
Because the choice is theirs
To know which is more.  

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