Friday, January 24, 2014

Rolling Dice

A big brave nothing   1/24/2013

Look backwards
And see the husk
Yesterday’s reminder
Of what we were
And what we are. 

Nothing ever stays the same
But even this
Is nothing new
Because all of this
Has been tried before.

It didn’t work then
And it won’t work now
As we stumble along like zombies
Looking for flesh to eat.

There is horror down the street
Behind closed doors
The kind no one seems to notice
Until it is too late.

There are bodies in the dumpster
And bodies in the sea
Chopped, punctured, and bludgeoned
Dumped, buried or burned.

Over my head
And in the sea
What I do
And everything I type
Silently recorded
And stored away.

This is the world
Not so brave
And not so smart
One hiccup away
From Armageddon.

No one seems to care
As long as we keep buying
Leveraging today with tomorrow
More than we need
Or can ever pay.

Not many have the courage
In this kind of chill
Because they know what can happen
And see it every day. 

We should have known
But everyone’s afraid
Brow beat since childhood
By hypocritical fools. 

The ghost speaks
But can we hear him?
From the floor boards
Or the attic
From the forest,
And the trees.

This is what you get
When you buy what they are selling
A fake and false protection
Nothing more
And nothing less.

Let it all commence
As predictable as the sun
Dumb as we always have been
Hiding behind each other
On our way to utopia
And on our way to the end.

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