Thursday, January 2, 2014

Midnight Submarine

Midnight Submarine 1/2/2014

At midnight I kissed my wife
And toasted another journey
All around the sun
And after the party was over
We drove home
And went to sleep.

A new year has begun
But I am haunted
By the same old nightmares
The kind I can’t seem to shake
No matter how much I try. 

Painful memories
Dangle in my head
About all that is left undone
And all that is incomplete. 

Lost loves
And broken promises
Litter my brain
Morphing into regrets
That wound me even more.

It hurt then
And it hurts now
And I awoke with that old familiar pain
In the left side
Of my heart.

But I go on
And so must we all
Laughing when we can
Holding close each and every nuance
As it comes
Unexpected and beautiful.

The war goes on
And the cities begin to sink
Just like we knew they would
Deluded, heavy and dumb.

You can’t make anyone better
Than what they know to become
And you cannot force outcomes
Without destroying dreams. 

Say hello to yesterday
For those who never learn
And as always, we are drug along
All the way down. 

The sheep follow a fool
And the fools follow a clown
All heading to the gallows
As they sing and dance around.

Stupidity can be forgiven
And mistakes, they are so human
But hidden hatred is the worst
As it festers and blooms. 

If only the truth wasn’t hidden
And if only our eyes could see
Then much would have been revealed
And so very many saved.

We will always drag it behind us
But let us make it count
Learning to be happy
And make it ours again. 

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