Friday, January 31, 2014


Lovers 1/31/2014

No man can define love
And no man
Can truly tell you
What it means
To really understand.

Life goes by in a blur
In fast moving images
That we only half remember
And never appreciate.

I look out the window
And imagine my heart
At the bottom of a frozen pond
Cold, dormant, and slowly beating
Just enough to keep me alive.

Nothing lasts forever
But the road to redemption
Can take a very long time
As we shuffle our feet
One in front of the other.

Going through the motions
Of getting up
And going to bed
Forcing yourself through
When you are too tired to care.

There is no use
In getting angry
When there is always something
You can do
In the here and now.

Prepare yourself
And plan for the end
Because it will always come
Like a thief in the night.

We get ready for many things
But seldom remember what matters
Because none of this lasts
And we can’t take it with us. 

We can spin our wheels
Or we can love with all our heart
Waging war
With our prayers, thoughts,
And words.

It’s never too late
Until it’s over
And nothing is over
Until the end.

The world like gravity
Drags us down
As we struggle against entropy
To breathe and live.

But today we rise
And today we live
With more than enough time
To embrace the truth. 

Free yourself
From all that is false
And fling yourself
Above and beyond. 

Grasp for the eternal
Never closer than now
Even if you cannot see it
And even if
It hurts.

Monday, January 27, 2014


 Loser 1/27/2014

Dangle the carrot
In front of my face
Leading me along
On my way to the end.

My past determines
The way in which I move
Always in the same direction
Round and round again.

Seven years ago, today 
That was then
And this is now
But still it hurts 
And I moan in the dark.

It’s hard to let go
Of the dreams
You only tasted
Because we only got a glimpse
Of all that, might have been. 

The possibilities gnaw at our heart
And memories destroy our brain
Burning pathways of heartache
That can never be erased.

I have come a long distance
But all of it
Is for nothing 
As I keep falling backwards
Back from where I came.

What we have, we ignore
And what is easy, we abuse
But what we miss,
Is what we covet
And what we love
We lose.

The struggle wears you out
And the weight wears you down
As we bear all the burdens
And watch it all 
Pass us by. 

I didn’t know
But, I did really try
Waking up far too late
To save what I had.

It is still a mystery
The cruelty of man
And how we are soo far fallen
That we can’t even see the sun.

Nothing lasts forever
Not even this
For all that is fake
And artificial
Will always fall apart
And blow away.

You can’t manufacture cool
And you can’t force authenticity
The same as it always was
Higher and better.

The curses shall come
But the strong will survive
A perfect remnant
Beautiful and defiant.

They will never know
True love
Because all they know
Is the world
Devalued down to an single cell
And dividing all over. 

Let them have their world
And run it 
Into the ground
While we endure
All the way home.

Some will join us
And some will not
Because love always returns
What it never lost at all.  

Friday, January 24, 2014

Rolling Dice

A big brave nothing   1/24/2013

Look backwards
And see the husk
Yesterday’s reminder
Of what we were
And what we are. 

Nothing ever stays the same
But even this
Is nothing new
Because all of this
Has been tried before.

It didn’t work then
And it won’t work now
As we stumble along like zombies
Looking for flesh to eat.

There is horror down the street
Behind closed doors
The kind no one seems to notice
Until it is too late.

There are bodies in the dumpster
And bodies in the sea
Chopped, punctured, and bludgeoned
Dumped, buried or burned.

Over my head
And in the sea
What I do
And everything I type
Silently recorded
And stored away.

This is the world
Not so brave
And not so smart
One hiccup away
From Armageddon.

No one seems to care
As long as we keep buying
Leveraging today with tomorrow
More than we need
Or can ever pay.

Not many have the courage
In this kind of chill
Because they know what can happen
And see it every day. 

We should have known
But everyone’s afraid
Brow beat since childhood
By hypocritical fools. 

The ghost speaks
But can we hear him?
From the floor boards
Or the attic
From the forest,
And the trees.

This is what you get
When you buy what they are selling
A fake and false protection
Nothing more
And nothing less.

Let it all commence
As predictable as the sun
Dumb as we always have been
Hiding behind each other
On our way to utopia
And on our way to the end.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


 Rampant  1/23/2014

Tip this over
And see what’s inside
Because something is rotten
And it’s killing us all.

Overripe and overdone
Primed and pumped
Like a bulging volcano 
About to explode.

This is what you get
When everyone falls asleep
Letting evil slip in
One inch at a time.

We bought all the lies
And we took them to heart
Because that is what we were taught
Every minute and every day.

When it hits you
It will be a shock
Because reality is coming
Heavy and hard.

We are sold
And we are betrayed
But deep down
We always knew.

The truth was revealed
A thousand times a day
But even then
Many covered their eyes
And pretended not to care.

Like bystanders on the street
Who watch as others are beaten
Nervously looking at each other
Hoping someone else
Will intervene. 

But the wild beasts
Will never be full
And they always thirst for more
Be it flesh
Or blood.

Many are sacrificed
And many have fallen
Caught off guard
And unprotected.

Even they knew 
That they were marked 
But still they went 
Noble, good, and dead.

I remember them 
And I remember her
Those who hesitated 
And those who lost.  

Cowards are everywhere 
And all the lions are sleeping
Defanged and declawed 
Overfed, lazy 
Dumb and dead.  

Socially engineered 
And spiritually defeated
As we carefully follow
An artificial cool. 

You can close your eyes
Or you can keep them open 
Open them up 
And see.  

This is for the survivors
And this is for me 
Because I am a ghost 
Wild, rampant, and free.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wooden Dragon

Singularity 1/22/2014

You can pay now
Or you can pay later
But sometimes it doesn’t matter
What you do
Or where you go. 

In the end
There is no way out
Not without pain
Or suicide. 

A day late
And a dollar short
We stand in line
To be punished
And mocked.

Why is it
That we labor this way?
But all for someone else
Predatory and cruel. 

That is you
And that is me
Shedding our skin
And slithering away.

Judged and ranked
Ruined and ashamed
Reduced to the trash heap
To crawl on our belly.

Going like lambs
We sheepishly shuffle
Our way to the end
Herded, willing,
Gullible, and dumb.

We hold on to fairy tales
Long past the expiration date
But what good is a sound philosophy
If we are blind to reality. 

Murderous deceitful reality
Staring at me
Every time I leave
And every place I go. 

We can deny reality
As long as we like
But those who do
Are doomed
In their dreams. 

Run away dreams
And seek not to remember
All that we were
And all that we lost. 

I loved you all
And then I lost
But now that I know
Everything is new.