Monday, November 25, 2013


Irreconcilable   11/25/2013      

There are some things
That cannot be reconciled
And even with the passage of time
We are still speechless 
And horrified.

I remember the feeling
And I can still feel the twinge
As I remember the agony
Of losing 
All that I loved.

I don’t understand
And I don’t know, if I should
How such an evil worm
Could crawl in my life
And cut me in half. 

But that’s what happened
And I am neither the first
Nor the last
Cut off in the middle
Just before the harvest. 

Anger changes nothing
And tears fall useless in the rain
While we bury our heads
In our hands
And think that we will die.

God knows
But I sure don’t
About why I had to suffer
And why I had to lose.

It could always be worse
And I know, that I should be thankful
But words are cheap
When you suffer 
And are reminded in every way. 

No matter what I do
Or how much I try
That is, the piece of glass
Stuck in my throat.

Never able to swallow it down
Or cough it back up
Sharp, painful,
Piercing and cold.

No matter how much time 
Has passed
I still feel dirty and stained
Rejected, abandoned,
Disregarded and shamed

Judged and passed over
I am disheveled and cursed
As I walk uneasily, guarded,
Hesitant, and meek.

Brought low and exposed 
And deemed less than a worm
Released and forgotten
To die in the snow.

It happens to someone
Every single day
But we never bother to think
Because we have been spared
For another day and night.

There is nothing worse
Than dreams
You have never lived
And nothing more painful
Than cruel indifference. 

Now I see
And now I know
What it means
And how it feels. 

I could wait forever
But it would still be the same
Because this is how it is
And this is what it costs.


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