Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Beached 11/12/2013

Colors look different underwater
And sounds become muffled and far away
But I have drifted so far
That I can barely see at all.

The sun burns through the sky
Shinning off the waves
And searing my skin
Because I did not pay attention
And was lost in my dreams.

In moments of terror
We think of love
About all that we will miss
And all that must be done. 

But this is how we lose
Because we have failed
To do what we must
Living for a tomorrow
That may never come. 

Dreams are dreams
But I don’t know what they mean
As they remind us
Over and over again
About all that we have missed.

What can anyone do about the past?
Except remember and suffer
But what a folly it is to forget
And drift among the waves.

The debris settle around us
And who can forget the horror
But, oh how quickly we distract ourselves
With nothing. 

The mirror lies to the face
And the face lies to the brain
As we are lost in self pity
Or self-aggrandizement. 

The music in my head
Cannot help me at all
As I suffer the consequences
Of inertia and doubt. 

Second guessing each other
And second guessing ourselves
Always ready to judge
But never ready to act. 

The heavens may smile upon us
Or the wind may carry us away
But what is it, that we will leave?
When we see God.

We can laugh again
On other days
But sometimes
All we need is a touch.

Reminding us that we are here
And that we are loved
Treasured beyond all possessions
And temporary fancy. 

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