Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Flash Freeze

Chilling 11/13/2013

The words are rearranged
But the mind is made up
Shaped by others over time
To love or hate. 

If you speak your true feelings
There is no need to rehearse
And your words can flow freely
Neither written nor planned.

Circumstances can be good or bad
And it is wise to learn
How to be the same
Either with nothing
Or plenty. 

The world is as senseless
As it is barbaric
And it’s hard to find the truth
When everything is a lie. 

Like a needle in a haystack
Such are the clues
And the truth
Hidden in plain sight
But never acknowledged.

If you looked around
Then you might find
But if you should dare speak it
Then you might be the hated. 

That is the price
When the world tries to break you
Targeting your livelihood 
For chastisement and ridicule. 

The price is money
As the compliant are rewarded
Even if they are cowards
Both foolish, and dumb. 

But what good is power
If it becomes corrupted and bloated
Stagnant, polluted
Wasted and cursed.  

There is no thanks
And there is no reward
As we go through the motions
Afraid of our shadow. 

Who would want to sail
On a ship full of holes
Built to sink
And commanded by fools. 

You can always tell the future
But the horror of the past
Even if it hasn’t happened yet
You know that it will. 

Eventually the numbers add up
And the devil gets his due
Sneaking up behind us
To cut our throat.   

Billions of random chances
Has brought me and you
But only deliberate action
Can save anyone today. 

Others may judge you 
And some may judge me
But there are worse things 
Than losing.  

But still I smile
And still I write
Just a willing as ever
To know what I see. 

Come out
And see the path
Hard, narrow and steep
Because that is where you will find me
Just the same
As yesterday. 

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