Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dark Passage

Dark Passage  11/5/2013

Turn the portrait upside down
And see what was hidden
As the heroes turn out to be liars
And the hated become the good.

Inside out and sideways
We move the truth around
Hiding it and massaging it
Just to show, what we want. 

Men of burning hatred
Are deified and worshipped
While the good and magnanimous
Are accused and forgotten.

Woe unto him
That glorify mass murderers
And pity the sheep
Who laugh at the thought
Because even they will roll over
Close their eyes and sleep.

Dumb, evil, and hateful
They twist all logic and honor
Skewing everything they touch
Until it is unrecognizable, and dead.

Their land shall give up the dead
And lay barren and wasted
Just like their thoughts
And their soul.

Though they murder
And though they laugh
Raping, burning,
And murdering
Still more shall survive
And remember.  

Other eyes are watching
And other ears have heard
What it is planned in secret places
And imagined in our hearts.

Come down
And make it rain
Washing away all that is dead
Down the drain
And gone forever.

What matters is the truth
Not how it looks
Or even how it feels
Because no man every grew
If he never felt pain. 

Suffering is a horror
But adversity strengthens the heart
The wise know the difference
And remember it
Every day.

The dumb and the worthless
Will never learn
Even though it was always there
Dangling in their eyes.

It is here and it is now
Take heed and live
Because even the hated
Can live forever
If they choose what is right. 

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