Monday, November 4, 2013


Blind Man's Bluff  11/4/2013

A ring of fire
Is a rare thing to see
But a long and dark winter
Is always
Dead, dormant and gray.

Fall is a silent hush
Before the frost comes
But this year
There is a lot more to think about
And remember. 

All hope is frozen
If you cannot tell the truth
And if the truth is forbidden
Then you are not free at all.

All of this we worked for
And all of this we gleaned
Will never be enough
To feed the soul. 

Bitter cold is the darkness
When we have swallowed our dreams
Confining ourselves inside
Only to whisper
What we know. 

Only to the most trusted ears
Is the truth ever told
But never ever to a stranger
Or to the ones
Who should know.

Who will warn the innocent
Of what waits in the trees
Hidden in the hedges
And gnashing his teeth.

It’s time to tell the kids
And it’s time to tell the truth
Because time waits for no one
And it won’t wait for us. 

If no one speaks
Then no one will know
That it’s foolish to wander in a blizzard
And folly to follow the dumb.

Let others stampede
The choice is theirs to make
But a wise man should be careful
Lest he run off a cliff.  

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