Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Smarter   11/19/2013

I sat in a meeting
Like a thousand times before
Where different people
Try and think up new ideas
Just like they did 
A thousand times before.

We look different 
But we all think the same
Falling down a path of least resistance
Safe and dead.

Everything that is done
Has been done before
But every time we do it
It gets more rediculous
Because we have all forgotten
And never learned a thing.  

Robotic, dumb, passionless, and dead
Because its all about, how it looks
And never about, what is right
Just another day in the life
Racing inside a wheel
That never moves at all. 

We pretend that its important
And we pretend that we care
Even everybody knows
That it makes no difference at all.  

We add layers on the top
But never question a thing
As we crush all those below
For no reason at all.  

Move the chairs and change the names
But in the end
It all rots the same
Useless, wasted, and dumb
As we smile and clap
And sink beneath the waves.

You can either make it worse
Or you can make it better
But even leaving it alone
Is better than
Wasting your effort
And wasting their life. 

There is nothing left to prove
Once you have seen
And once you know
But still we forge ahead 
None the wiser
Smart, dumb, and dead.   

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