Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Flood Stage

Flood Stage 11/6/2013

If you didn’t notice already
There is no such thing as security
And words are just words
Without conviction and honesty.

Not everyone can see
What has always been apparent
Accidentally revealed in countless ways
And intentionally corrupted.

It’s not about what you can prove
And it’s not about what you can keep
But more about what you can become
By sharing who you are. 

All the debt is paid
And nothing is owed
With nothing but today's opportunity
To create and serve.

Yes everything is corrupted
And yes the world is diseased
Skewed on its side
And about to roll over.

Some are laughing
And yes some are plotting
Tracing their fingers down a graph
That will never come to be.

Death is what they want
But they are just biding their time
Waiting until the gates are broken
And all the cities flooded.

But even this shall go awry
As it always has before
Playing itself out
In horrifying display of violence
And indifference.

Stay awake
Now more than ever
Because the minute we rest
Our throats are slit
By the very nature of evil. 

Let the parties go on
As we run around in rubber
With antlers on our heads
And gas masks on our face.

The fetish cult spreads
Secret, deaf, and strange
As we fall into a chaos
Just like before.


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