Monday, November 18, 2013


Photograph 11/18/2013

My father sent me a message
But it took forty years
For me to understand
All about the secret of living
And what it really means
To be a man.

We see and we think
But we seldom
Follow it through
Because we are always too busy
Feeling our way instead.

Running in circles
And bumping into furniture
As we learn to keep our hands
Away from the stove.

Life is dumb like that
And the everyday is such a bore
As we endlessly repeat
The maintenance of living. 

Getting up and going to work
And beating ourselves to death
All for the privilege
Of getting up
And doing it again. 

Sometimes I cannot sleep
And sometimes I lay awake
Thinking of all I want to do
But never have the time.

What miracles have we lost
Because of what
We never tried
And what great pain we have inflicted
Just because, 
We did not know.

I saw it all
With my own two eyes
But nothing clicked
Between my brain and heart.  

But now the glass has broken
And now I can see
Every moment
And every nuance
Clear as day. 

It is a strange feeling
To lose so very much
And yet remain happy
And peaceful. 

Poignant pictures in black and white
And hand written notes
Faded and yellow
Scream at me from afar
Awake and rejoice.

I have stepped back in time
But I live in the present
Transfixed for a moment
And then pulled back in place.

My sons laughter
Jerks me back
And his quick eyes make me smile
He has it
And I have not lost. 

I pick him up,
And his arms
Close around my neck
Surprisingly strong
Like flexible steel bands.

Eye to eye
We laugh and laugh
And for him
I give my all.   

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