Friday, November 22, 2013


Synchronicity 11/22/2013

Not everything makes sense
And the days often drag by
Uneventful and wasted
But with wisdom we learn
That everything has a reason.

I was born for this time
And it is more than an honor
Even if it is hard
And even if I suffer.

Some events are hard to miss
And they can galvanize a nation
But others are so small and incremental
That almost no one notices at all. 

Daily life goes on
As we get up for school or work
Punctuated by either happiness
Or horror. 

Nothing lasts forever
And how quickly we forget
As we lose our moorings
And drift out to sea.

We shy away from uncomfortable truths
And prefer instead
To fight the easy battles
That waste our time
And punish the good. 

Evil always survives
And patiently waits
Waiting for us to become overconfident
And distracted.

Letting us wander
Far from home
Until we think we are immune
And pretend
That all is well. 

Sometimes our true enemies
Are not who, we think they are
Close as a friend
Or confidant.

Watching every move
Opportunistic and cunning
Without a conscience
Or a soul.

Cut off and cut down
Split open and dissected
Just before
And just because.

We make fun of myths
But believe in a fable
Wise enough to know better
But too cowardly to act.

It’s not about being better
Or worse
But it is about finding the courage
To think and speak. 

Yes we are different
Aberrant and apart
But there are worse things
Than losing
And being alone.

Long after
Time has lost its meaning
We shall know and understand
What it all meant
And where it all leads.

Cry out the truth
Even if it hurts
For all of us will die
But only a few ever live
And learn.  

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