Friday, November 15, 2013


Losers 11/15/2013

Sometimes the words flow easy
But other days
They are slow and awkward
Coming out painfully
Like a shard of glass 
Under the skin.

If this is a coincidence
Then just let it be
Because there is a reason for everything
And that is why, we are here.

We are all born for a reason
And I was born for this
A witness with two hands
Watching it all unravel. 

Everything that I once had
Was lost for a time
But everything always returns
Better than before. 

When we are ready
Then we will know
And when we understand
We will finally change, and grow. 

Looking backwards
Everything makes sense
Even the wounds
And redemption. 

The defeats and the losses
Make us who we are
Tempering our metal
And strengthening our heart.

Rewards made me selfish
And indulgence made me blind
But losing everything
Made me rich
In a way
I cannot explain. 

Nothing much is expected
Of a baby in his crib
But we have not learned a thing
If we only move a mountain
Just because it is there. 

To search for meaning is a longing
And to find it, a gift
But it is the search
That will always go on
If we don’t give up.

There is nothing to fear
If you stick with it
Because if anything is true
Then courage shall prove it. 

Here we are again
And I am not giving in
Because all I have
And all I need
Is here with me
Right now. 

There will never be, a  better time
And there will never be, a better place
To think back and understand
That everything is still yet
To be discovered. 

Fools may rule the world
But their world is fading fast
As they run amok screaming
With blood on their hands. 

The money won’t change a thing
And neither will their power
Nothing but a waste of effort
As pearls before swine. 

They can have it
And they can own it
Running it all into the ground
And never learning a thing. 

We live
And still have forever
Full, rich, and beautiful
Sweet, bountiful, and poetic. 

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