Monday, December 9, 2013


Cut    12/9/2013

My heart
My heart
Burning through the day
And bleeding through the night.

Aching with every beat
Hour after countless hour
Pumping blood to my brain
And life to my body.

Something has changed
And I can sense it
Through every pore
As the easy smiles disappear
And tension fills the air.

Winter is here
In more ways than one
And you can feel the chill in the air
As the world pops and hardens
Frozen and dead.

The warning is direct
And as simple as can be
That woe to them
Who dare to question
And think for themselves.

We are betrayed
In the worst possible way
By a true enemy
Disguised as a friend.

Sold down the river
That has meandered forever
Until it gathers enough power
To dash us against the rocks.

Far worse
Than what we feared
The callous treachery
And venomous hate
Long simmering
Beneath the surface.

If you haven’t seen It yet
Then trust me, you will
Brewing in the whispered words
Of powerful men.

They will run you through
And cut you off
At the knees
Unable to walk
And unable to breathe.

Nothing is too low
And nothing is too small
When you are not hindered with a conscience
Or possessed by a soul. 

Quick as a wink
They strike the unsuspecting
Cutting them in their sleep
And laughing as they bleed out
All over their bed.

The silence is deafening
But the proof is everywhere
Clear as the alarm bells
Ringing in our brains. 

I know what it feels like
And I have been there before
When you realize that the fix is in
And there is nothing you can do. 

All these words are useless
If we give up
And we give in
Because true victory
Shall come
For those who never give up.

The weight of the world
Is heavy and crushing
But it is an honor
To bear it well
Even if we die
And even if we lose.

A ruler can be cruel
And a judge can be bought
But the king is coming
Righteous and just. 

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