Friday, November 8, 2013

Rabbits Foot

White Rabbit  11/8/2013

I went down a rabbit hole
Just to see what I could find
Where down is up
And right is wrong. 

But all the tunnels lead to nowhere
And nothing makes any sense
As all logic is twisted
And thrown in your face.

Where no good deed
Goes unpunished
And no evil unrewarded
Stupidity praised
And truth abhorred.

I fell down a rabbit hole
And I can’t get out
Endlessly searching for something
That cannot be found.

Nothing is as it should be
And everything is a joke
Absurd, dumb, and twisted
And disguised with mirrors and smoke.

We have been run down a rabbit hole
Without even a clue
Without our consent or knowledge
All for power and greed.

Like a white rabbit
We are tested and measured
Bruised, burned and chased
Until our hearts explode.

The looking glass
Cannot be trusted
And all the truth is fake
Watched, recorded and herded
Deeper and deeper.  

Come see the white rabbit
And make him jump through hoops
Watch him try 
And watch him fall.  

The rabbits are dying
So wake up the bear
Determined, relentless
And angry. 

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