Thursday, November 21, 2013

Second Sight

Second Sight 11/21/2013

There is an eye inside my head
Its function unknown
Sensitive to light
And shrouded in mystery.

For some it is a gland
But for others 
A seat for the soul
But like many other things
It remains dark, and misunderstood.

There are things
That we cannot see
Right in front of our eyes
But even if, we will not look
It does not mean
That it’s not there. 

We walk around half blinded
Dazzled by trivial pursuits
And gaudy distractions
But even in a fog
You can feel the siren
Going off, in your brain. 

The kind of feeling
When your hair stands on end
When you know
That you should turn around
Or look the other way. 

We have all felt it
And we know how
It prickles the skin
As our senses pick up something
That we do not understand.

The signal is picked up
By a type of vision
The kind we cannot explain
But are trained to ignore. 

Look inside
And see yourself
With a cold and frosty eye
As to where you have been
And where you are going.

What is it?
We really want
And what is it?
That we have done. 

Who is it?
That loves us
And who is it?
That hates us
Because the only thing we can control
Is what we leave behind.

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