Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Dovetail   11/20/2013

The rocks are moving
Under my feet
Even though I cannot feel it
And the dead are whispering in our ears
Even though we cannot hear
And cannot see.

Names, dates and numbers
Mark our times
Coming at us randomly
But always falling into a pattern
Only after, it’s too late.

Change ripples outwards
And reverberates over time
As we free fall
Deeper and deeper
From where we once were.

Public events and private betrayal
Worm their way through time
Low, evil, and merciless
Deadly, cold, and accurate. 

One thing leads to another
And all of it
Leads to death
As the cut outs are sacrificed
One, two, and three.

The herd grows thick
And expendable
Just like you can imagine
And just like they want.

Emotional, dumb and blind
Easily led and easily killed
Thriving on promises
And crumbs. 

But woe to the man
Who wants something more
A meaningful life
Full of opportunity
And possibility. 

For creativity cannot be controlled
And it comes in unpredictable ways
Blessing with the spirit
Who it will and when. 

But all of this still survives
Unseen and unrecognized 
In ways not yet discovered
And exploited.

Create anyway
Even though you have lost
And explore the heart boldy 
Even when you are crushed.

There will always be hope
And there will always be God
Though men may plot,
Murder and steal.  

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