Thursday, November 14, 2013


Teeth   11/14/2013

To do what is hard is a challenge
And no apology is needed
And to do what is right is an honor
No matter what you may suffer.

No longer 
Do I try to explain
What cannot be explained
And no more will I try and justify
What I have learned along the way. 

Everything has happened
Just like
We should have seen
And yes, it has happened before
So we are both, blind, and dumb.

We could beat ourselves
But it would not change a thing
And we can rage against others
For what they have done
But nothing will take it back. 

Words are spoken
And we have fallen into a trap
The very same trap
That we have set for others.

Some laugh as we struggle
And they think
That they have won
But their shock shall be even greater
When their world falls apart.

If it happens to one
It can happen to all
And if horror can visit the good
Then all of this
Can burn away. 

Lean down to the fallen
And whisper in their dead ears
Without forgetting that everyone dies
But many have never lived. 

The frost has killed my flowers
But even seeds die underground
Rising again, like a spirit 
Once crushed.   

Others may come in power
To scrutinize the powerless
But the good will never be alone
If they know
Where to turn.   

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